Today, I Choose Praise

Can you imagine all the countless times that the Israelites praised God?  Their first line of defense in battle was the priests (shofars) carrying the ram’s horns and blowing their horns as praise to God.  David did the same thing when he went into battle.  First were the shofars with their ram’s horns, praising God, followed by the Ark of the Covenant and then the soldiers.  Should not this be how we react also?  When we are in prayer, pleading with our Heavenly Father, shouldn’t we first praise Him before asking for His help? The answer is yes!  Praise the Lord for all He has done for you and all He has given you.  Your family, your home, your job, your finances, and your health.  All these things God has provided for you.  Let us praise and worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the creator of the universe and all things good.Psalm 34:1. “I will praise the LORD at all times; His praise shall always be in my mouth.”

One response to “Today, I Choose Praise”

  1. Amen! Let us praise God! Thank you for sharing.❤️


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